Performance - Recovery - Education

Baseball High Performance Off-Season 12 Week Program

Baseball High Performance Off-Season 12 Week Program

WAS $199.99 Now $49.99

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One of our main goals with this program was to provide a HUGE return on investment to our customers! We are confident that we have accomplished just that.

For just $49.99 dollars you are getting access to:

  • A 12 week all-encompassing training program designed by SEC strength and conditioning coaches

  • Access to a complete library of exercise videos

  • A detailed training e-book that dives into the scientific aspects of everything included in the training plan

  • PDF print-ready training cards, bonus arm-care and flexibility routines along with much more

  • A 12 week progressive speed and agility program

We are confident that this product will give you the biggest “bang for your buck”! 

We have packaged years and years of experience into this program and are only offering it at a price of $49.99.

That rounds out to about $12 a week and if you look at even further only $2 a day!!!

$2 a day for the wealth of knowledge we poured into this program almost sounds to good to be true BUT IT’S NOT! Purchase now and take your game to the next level!

This is a comprehensive, VALIDATED training program that we have seen help produce professional baseball players time and time again! This product addresses ever attribute that makes up a complete baseball player. From speed work to the weight room to recovery modalities we left no stone unturned. On top of that we wanted this to be more than just a sheet with sets, reps and exercises so we included an in depth write up explaining the WHY behind everything included in the program. This is a no brainer for coaches or athletes wanting to elevate their performance!


Coach Brett Price was an asset....

Casey Mize

Casey Mize
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One of the best in the business

Cole Wilcox
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